IC DR Exam Scoring and Results -The American Board of Radiology...

Exam Scoring and Results: Core and Certifying Examinations

  • Scoring and Result
  • History

Scoring for Core Examination
The ABR Diagnostic Radiology (DR) Core Examination is scored in a two-stage process. This process is performed for each examinee.

Stage One: Your overall score for the entire examination is computed and compared against a pre-determined minimum acceptable performance level, or passing score. This level is set by a group of content experts and educators who, for each question on the exam, determine whether a resident just above the competency threshold would be expected to select the correct response. This standard psychometric process, known as Angoff standard setting, has been used by the ABR (and other ABMS boards) for many years for all of its “written” and computer-based examinations. Exam scores are calculated on a scale which ranges from 150 (lowest possible score) to 800 (highest achievable score).
If your overall score is below the passing score, your overall result is “Fail.”
If your overall score is at or above the passing score, stage two of scoring is applied.

Stage Two: Your performance in each of the 18 categories is independently calculated and compared against a conditioning threshold specific for each category, set by the Board of Trustees. For the Core Examination, this level is higher for Physics than for the other categories.
If you pass every category, your overall result is “Pass.
If you fail 1-5 categories, your overall result is “Condition.
If you fail more than 5 categories, this exceeds the acceptable number of failed categories, and your overall result is “Fail.

After the examination has been scored, the Board will post your results on your myABR account. Program directors and chairs will receive the same information for all their candidates and former candidates in order to help in evaluating and improving their training programs. Results for the DR Core and Certifying exams are posted approximately 8 to 10 weeks after the exam.

  1. If you would like your results individually reviewed by an ABR staff person and scored by hand, you may request a “hand score.” Please note that the hand score process is solely meant to verify the accuracy of your exam result. No detailed feedback is provided. 
  2. The deadline for requesting a hand score is 60 days after the date your results were posted for your review.
  3. You must submit your request in writing by mail or fax:
    • Mail: 5441 E. Williams Circle
      Tucson AZ 85711-7412
    • Fax: 520-790-3200
    The fee for an exam hand score is $250.You must pay by credit card.Please note that due to security issues, the ABR cannot accept credit card forms by email.
  4. Hand-score request results will be sent to you by email. Please allow four to six weeks for a response.

Core Exam
Residents ONLY (taking exam for the first time)
YearPercent PassedPercent ConditionedPercent FailedNumber Taking
201587< 1121188
Note: Numbers are rounded for presentation.
